Ya Rab

Ya Rab

Saturday, November 16, 2013

TIME OUT! Deep Breath.

I want to entitle today as: Panic Attack Saturday
Trains, buses, cars, and planes.  All form of transportation I will use in the next 4 days.  Yeah.  In four days I will fly to Egypt.  I will be married.  And live happily ever after.  IN FOUR DAYS

So what's with the panic attack?  Well, I'm getting married and I am a complete introvert.  There will be people.  Lots of people.  

I have been introverted all my life.  I knew this was going to be rough but I figured, the excitement and joy would get me through the panic just fine.  And if that didn't to it, well surely Allah would help me.  Well, panic hit me. Crying, hyperventilating, the whole thing.  Ya Rab

Now this does not mean in ANY manner that I am not ready or willing to marry my fiance.  He is my heart.  There is no question to this.  I want to be his wife more than I desire any other thing in life right now.  This simply means, I feel vulnerable and nervous.

First off... I have never flown before.  Like ever.  I will get on a plane in Chicago, fly 10+ hours to Istanbul, have a 14 hour layover, and then fly another 4 hours to Cairo.  Before this though... I will need to get on a train, ride 5 hours to Chicago, take an 8 hour bus ride to Appleton, WI... pick up a few things, take another 4 hour bus ride back to Madison WI where I will stay with my mother for two days, and then either get a ride in a car or take a bus to O'hare. This is all going to happen in 4 days. OMG

Ok ok....  The Nikah I can handle.  I trust my walhi.  I trust Wael. No problems with the ceremony...  The wedding...  Ok.  Here is the issue.  I understand Arabic well.  But I speak it very very little.  There will be VERY few English speaking people there.  What am I going to do?  I am going to look like an idiot.  And worse yet, I am afraid to embarrass Wael.  And there will be people there.  Yeah.  Introverts and people... Um. IDK. 

Ya Rab

I'm avoiding coffee.   Going to take a long bath.   And then going to go take a nap.   Hopefully another long day will be over.  Tomorrow.  Off to Wisconsin inshallah.

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